Pragomis Dental & Braces Clinic is one of the best dental clinics for Orthodontic treatment. Orthodontic treatment can aid in the strengthening of your teeth. The bite and jaw are in good alignment. As you may be aware, misaligned teeth place additional strain on the jaw, eventually leading to Temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMJ). Malocclusion is another term for misaligned teeth. Your bite pattern improves dramatically and prevents wear and tear when treated by your dentist. Your gums and teeth should be in good health. When you straighten your teeth with orthodontic treatment, the health of your gums and teeth improves dramatically. Untreated misaligned teeth can also lead to gum disease and bone loss. Tooth loss is also possible. If your gums are swollen, you cannot chew. You become extremely sensitive, and bad breath can also become an issue for you. As a result, orthodontic treatment is recommended.